Jake Ben-Tovim

Gameplay Programmer & Designer

About Me!

I grew up on the Gulf Coast of Florida, in the city of Sarasota. The fantasy of living in New York was always in the back of my head due to my pair of New Yorker parents, which drove me to attend the Rochester Institute of Technology. RIT was very enjoyable, and as I've grown older, I've come to appreciate my hometown more for the beautiful areas it has and the memories it holds for me, but I'm always ready to move on and discover somewhere new.

I'm a longtime game player and viewer. I have distinct memories from when I was a toddler of playing Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda with my siblings on our NES, and of sitting with my dad in his office watching him play Diablo I and Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2. Some of these are still my favorite games today (I consider Diablo II: Lord of Destruction a GOAT for RPGs), and they still inspire me today.

Most of my free time is spent working on my public Minecraft server, Silver Springs Survival. It is my biggest hobby and passion project, and I find it very enjoyable as it touches on game design, gameplay programming, staff management, community management, and live game development.

I consider myself to be an open-minded and caring person, and try to avoid passing unfair judgment on people, especially when they're in a situation I can't personally relate to.

My favorite games & series (in no particular order):